Center Rog is a creative hub where you can create anything you can think of, either by yourself or with the help of our skilled mentors. Discover nine production labs, where both traditional hand tools and the latest technologies are at your disposal. Visit Rog's labs and Rog's marketplace, take a look at our project studios and join our workshops.

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The labs on the ground floor of the Center Rog operate on a 'do it yourself' basis and are accessible based on membership, which brings numerous benefits and discounts. The membership fee is 15 € or 10 € for students, individuals under 25 years of age, retirees, those over 65 years of age, the unemployed, and asylum seekers. Members can use the laboratories by purchasing one of the three user packages, which are valid for a specific period.


In the production labs, you can tackle various manufacturing challenges with the help of equipment and machines. You can deal with very concrete and tangible challenges - from repairing various objects to improving and creating new, innovative, and socially useful products. To help you, there are mentors who guide you through training for different machines and help you achieve your goals. You can use labs independently according to membership fees and user packages. There are also scheduled guided courses, workshops for children and adults, master classes, hardware training, and holiday activities for children.

User packages for independent work

Production labs can be used only by members of Center Rog by purchasing one of three user packages that are valid for a certain period of time. With a valid user package, the workspaces are accessible to users on weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Upcoming events



There are nineteen workspaces on the second and third floors, eighteen individual workspaces, and one group workspace where the Young Rog program takes place. The first generation of workspace users starts their work as soon as the centre opens.

Hex Haus


The HEX HAUS project is the result of media artists Anže Sekelj and Staš Vrenek, whose goal is to develop a series of proprietary digital electronic sound systems. In the development, special attention is paid to the balance between the ...

Urška Sadar


Designer and architect Urško Sadar is interested in the connection between modern and traditional techniques, exploring unpredictable forms and designing objects with added value. In the project she will be developing at the Rog Centre, ...



The Blue Voyager unmanned aerial vehicle is used for automated sampling of water sources and analysis of samples during flight. Behind the product is the startup Paxia, which consists of students Domen Trontelj, Tilen Šket and Rok Hladin...

Nonstop Food

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Ekipo Nonstop sestavljajo trije študentje živilstva Eva Mustafa, Luka Korošec in Gašper Korat. Ukvarjajo se z izkoriščanjem stranskih surovin, ki ostajajo zavržene v agroživilski industriji, še posebej s stranskim produktom proizvodnje ...

Terra Panel

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Terra panel je panel za pasivno uravnavanje vlage, ki služi tudi kot ambientalno svetilo. Njegova avtorja sta Bor in Daša, ljubitelja narave in oblikovanja, ki sta tekom svoje oblikovalske prakse ustvarila in se tudi preselila v svojo Ti...

Dead Stock

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David Tavčar se kot oblikovalec zaveda svoje odgovornosti. Verjame namreč, da je z dobro načrtovanim oblikovalskim delom mogoče doprinesti k proizvodnim procesom in tudi k procesu proizvodnje surovin. Delo oblikovalca okolju ne sme povzr...

Matej Štefanac

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Pendulum is a table lamp designed by Matej Štefanac, whose dual nature allows reading and work on the one hand, and ambient lighting on the other. Its special feature is the movable shade, which can be rotated by 90 degrees, and around a...

Benedetti Life

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Benedetti Life – where fashion design meets unwavering ethics. In the heart of Rog Center, fashion products are born from innovative materials such as olive leather, algae-based items, and silk created from sustainable and timeless eucal...



Projekt HISHKA se ukvarja z izzivi dostopnosti, presežkov, uporabnosti in revitalizacije prehitro preraslih, velikokrat skoraj novih kosov otroških oblačil. HISHKA je krožni trajnostni projekt, sistem in sodobna blagovna znamka otroških ...


Studio_Lufta_logo slika

Lufta je inovativen in okolju prijazen stol, ki je napihljiv in ga lahko uporabljamo tako v notranjih kot tudi v zunanjih prostorih. Namenjen je vsem, ki v pohištvu iščejo trajnost in odgovornost do okolja. Zaradi svoje lahke in prenoslj...

Ejet 9X


EJET 9X je visokozmogljiv električni čoln, ki uvaja inovativne rešitve električne pogonske tehnike v navtični svet. Cilj podjetja EJET, katerega ustanovitelj je Žiga Jarc, je ustvariti okolju prijazen električni čoln, ki bo prispeval k z...


Studio_Mandrak kitare_slika 1

Mateja in Tomaža je povezalo veselje do izdelovanja klasičnih kitar. Začela sta vsak zase, zdaj pa združujeta moči in znanje, da bi skupaj zasnovala in izdelala inštrument z inovativnim sistemom vpenjanja strun in s tem povsem drugačnim ...


vizualno gradivo-idejna zasnova3

The fashion industry addresses a mature woman with idealized youthful concepts of clothing that do not meet her needs. That is why fashion designer Jelena Proković from the JSP collective will offer women after 50 years a stylish platfor...



Behind the project stands a collective of young designers Pjorkkala, who critically analyze and actively respond to the challenges of modern society. To promote the once-widespread tradition of baking bread in the local environment, they...

Just a Corpse

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In a newly awakened interest for ballet around the globe, JAC established itself as the leading ballet-wear brand by merging classical ideals with contemporary fashion vocabulary, sophisticated handcraft with new technologies, couture wi...

Get involved

Center Rog is a base for innovative and creative individuals and organisations working in a range of disciplines. Our goal is to build a strong international community of creative individuals and organisations who share our values, and to that end we are open to a wide range of cooperation opportunities. We issue annual calls for partners as well as regular calls for projects that will have a strong environmental and social impact. We are committed to achieving a diverse creative community in terms of gender, nationality and culture, and actively encourage applications from individuals from minority groups or with disabilities.

Residents of Center Rog

Residents of Center Rog

There are five living and working spaces on the top floor, intended for hosting foreign guests who are active in similar creative fields as the Rog Centre. According to the principle of international exchanges, we host foreign artists, researchers, and lecturers, which enables Slovenian artists to live and work in related creative centers around the world. One living workspace is larger and is primarily intended for families and creative collectives, while one living studio can be used primarily by artists with migrant and refugee status.


The Market contains restaurants and shops that are easily accessible by visitors from the Petkovškovo embankment. Here you can have something good to drink and eat - in addition to a restaurant serving daily lunches, on the ground floor there is a bistro and delicatessen with vegan offerings, and on the first floor, there is a cafe with an exit to the terrace and view of the Ljubljanica river. In addition, there are shops that offer products by local designers, from jewellery to clothes, and also the Centre Rog store, which sells materials that can be used for creating in the workshops.