Gallery Fotografija
Gallery Fotografija was founded in 2003 by Barbara Čeferin with the aim of popularizing high-quality photography and bringing it closer to the wider Slovenian public. The first private gallery in Slovenia specialized in photography explores what all photographic art is and where it intersects with other fields of art. Every year, the Gallery organizes up to eight exhibitions of Slovenian and foreign artists, ranging from traditional approaches to contemporary art practices. It often cooperates with various institutions in Slovenia and abroad, and especially since 2009 it has participated in international fairs all over the world. Since 2014, the gallery also has had a specialized bookshop, and an important part of its program is devoted to offering archival material for the proper preservation and protection of all types of works of art. With all this, Galerija Fotografija fulfills its mission: to develop and sell the works of young and established artists in the field of photography and to present our best talents at home and abroad.

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Nonstop Food

Ekipo Nonstop sestavljajo trije študentje živilstva Eva Mustafa, Luka Korošec in Gašper Korat. Ukvarjajo se z izkoriščanjem stranskih surovin, ki ostajajo zavržene v agroživilski industriji, še posebej s stranskim produktom proizvodnje ...