Become a member!
With this, you obtain a membership card that together with a valid user package allows you access to all nine production laboratories. Currently, you have the option of purchasing one of our three user packages (daily, monthly, yearly). As a member you are also entitled to discounts on guided workshops, courses, and education purchases.
Membership benefits
Become a member
Members are entitled to benefits and discounts. The annual membership fee at the Center Rog is €15 or €10 for students, individuals under 25 years of age, those over 65 years of age, the unemployed, and asylum seekers.
- Možnost prijave na vodene delavnice in tečaje brez popustov.
- Možnost prijave na brezplačne programe.
Letna članarina
- Možnost nakupa uporabniških paketov in samostojne uporabe labov.
- Ugodnejši nakup tečajev, delavnic in ostalih vodenih izobraževanj.
You can pick up your membership card upon presenting proof of payment at the Made in Rog store (entrance from Petkovškovo nabrežje) starting from November 13, 2023.
Frequently asked questions
Why do I need to register on the Center Rog website?
Only by registering can you reserve a spot in the workshop, participate in a course or workshop, receive training for various machines, or book a table in the coworking space. You can register as a guest, or you can pay the membership fee (15/10 EUR) and enjoy all our services with great discounts!
What benefits does the Center Rog membership bring?
The annual membership fee provides discounts on courses and workshops, and many other benefits (e.g., a constant member discount in our store, free children's workshops on Saturdays, discounts on holiday care, in the café, and more). Without membership, you cannot independently use the machines in our labs, as only members can undergo the training required for this.
Can I attend a workshop or course if I haven't paid the membership fee?
Of course, you can attend a course or workshop as a guest, but in this case, the price is higher than for members, as the membership fee provides a discount on all education programs.
I have never been in a space like Center Rog. Where should I start?
Are you interested in our labs? Just come to one of the open slot sessions. During these times, you can explore all the workshops, meet the mentors, and decide what you want to try. Otherwise: coffee on the terrace, library, shops, space for rest or work, etc. You can find it all with us.
Do you have a program for children at Center Rog?
Of course. On Saturdays, we have "sobotnice" (Saturdays), which are free for our members. Otherwise, we have programs for kindergartens and schools, holiday care, children's courses, and more!
What are user packages? Do I have to buy one to visit Center Rog?
A package means purchasing time for independent work in all labs. You buy it if you're interested in making things yourself more than once. There is a 5-day, monthly, and annual package available, and each purchase allows you to use the time in all nine production workshops (metalworking, woodworking, glassworking, ceramics, textiles, culinary green lab, or jewelry lab) unlimitedly during its validity. If you're more interested in guided education, such as courses and workshops, etc., you don't have to buy a package, just the selected education.
See more

Lufta je inovativen in okolju prijazen stol, ki je napihljiv in ga lahko uporabljamo tako v notranjih kot tudi v zunanjih prostorih. Namenjen je vsem, ki v pohištvu iščejo trajnost in odgovornost do okolja. Zaradi svoje lahke in prenoslj...