Alex Rousselet
Alex Rousselet calls himself a digital nomad exploring the maker movement since 2013. He spent his life on a farm in the rural area, until he became an Erasmus student in Ireland and visited his first Makerspace. This sparked the idea to go visit as many of them possible in Europe. He converted a van and started a full cooperation with Vulca Ngo. He has been travelling around for 10 years, getting to know different fablabs and makerspaces and bulding relationships on the way. The network today consist of 36 countries visited, more than 500 meetings organised and many of them participated in international conferences related to European Cooperation for Fablabs / Makerspaces / Hackerspaces. Today he puts his skills and energy in 3 complementary organisations : -> Local level : Mountain Makers - It's the Makerspace of my village. Find out more here -> National scale : RFFLabs - it's the French network of FabLabs and Space of Making, where he started as a volunteer in 2015 and is now his full time job. Find out more -> European scale : Vulca : European association that supports all kinds of residency for makers and contributes to the development of a European community of makerspaces. Find out more

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Just a Corpse

In a newly awakened interest for ballet around the globe, JAC established itself as the leading ballet-wear brand by merging classical ideals with contemporary fashion vocabulary, sophisticated handcraft with new technologies, couture wi...