Training: Goldsmith Table Usage / 2nd level

25. 2. 2025
5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Jewelry lab
za člane
for guests
Prosta mesta: 0/6


In the workshop, we manually craft jewelry. The training for the goldsmith's bench at the 2nd level is designed for those who already know how to use hand tools and a micromotor but are not yet familiar with more advanced techniques and tools. During the training, you will be introduced to tools for soldering and metal heating, polishing drums, and the use of a polishing machine through demonstrations. After the training, users, with the mentor's approval after initial guidance, will begin independently using the mentioned machines and tools.

Training is suitable for participants aged 14 or older.


Participants should meet 15 minutes before the agreed time in the entrance hall of the Center Rog. Please, before the start of the program, put your personal belongings in the locker rooms. Do not be late for the program. In case of delay, entry is not guaranteed - once the creative process begins, it is no longer possible to join in!

The programme is held in Slovene language unless stated otherwise.

Training fees are non-refundable, and rescheduling is not possible. You can transfer your participation to another person; please notify us at least 24 hours before the start via email at

Photo: Domen Nan

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