Threads, Fabric, and Hands for Children
12. 7. 2024

Summer day care Threads, Fabric, and Hands for Children program is designed to build skills for life. The emphasis will be on practical hands-on work, learning to sew by hand, dyeing textiles with plants, and felting.
Throughout the week, we will be creating our own unique piece of clothing with the children – each will hand-sew their own linen shirt or a simple dress. Children will engage in various crafting workshops available at Center Rog. In the green lab, we will dye clothes using pigments from food waste and plants we'll collect ourselves. We'll also gather various branches and make buttons and wooden ornaments from them, while learning about machines in the woodworking lab. In the textile lab, besides sewing clothes, we will also learn to make a felted belt.
All activities were designed to encourage creativity, perseverance, and relaxed artistic expression. In the cooking lab, we'll learn to prepare healthy and quick meals, as each day we'll prepare or cook breakfast and lunch ourselves, under a watchful eye of mentors from the cooking lab. Every day, we'll also have time for outdoor play and sports activities, we'll visit the Reuse Center, and head to Grajski grič. In case of bad weather, we'll set up the playroom in Center Rog and also visit the Rog Library.
Children will learn:
- 3 basic textile techniques: hand sewing, dyeing textiles with plants, and felting – each child will make a unique linen shirt or dress,
- familiarize themselves with tools and equipment in the textile, woodworking, green, and cooking labs,
- make useful items for clothing from simple natural materials (branches, leaves, peels),
- prepare quick and healthy meals and learn about kitchen safety.
The daily rhythm of care will roughly proceed as follows:
- 8:00-8:30: Reception of children in the Park of Erased near the Rog Center and free play or socializing
- 8:30-9:30: Breakfast preparation and breakfast
- 9:30-12:30: Activities (creating in the textile, green, or woodworking lab)
- 12:30-14:00: Lunch preparation and lunch
- 14:00-15:30: Activities (workshop, market visit, visit to the Reuse Center or walk – gathering materials)
- 15:30-16:00: Play and departure home by 16:00 at the latest
The summer day care program is suitable for children aged 7 to 12 (2nd to 6th grade of primary school), especially those who enjoy hands-on activities.
The program will be led by Nina Vastl Štefe, an independent architect and textile creator. For several years, she has been leading activities for children in nature titled Na divje and textile activities Threads, Fabric, and Hands for Children. She is a mother of four children, living and working in Škofja Loka.
Every day, there will be at least two adults with the children throughout all activities, trained to work with children. They will also be assisted by mentors from the textile, green, woodworking, and cooking labs at the Rog Center.
For additional information regarding the organization of holiday care, we are available at
When dropping off and picking up a child attending the summer day care program, you have 15 minutes of free parking available in the garage of the Center Rog. Access to the garage is from Petkovškovo nabrežje.
Summer day care will be conducted with a minimum of 8 registrations. In case of cancelation, you will be notified no later than 7 days before the start of the program. In this case, it will be possible to transfer application to another term or receive a refund of the fee.
Cancellation of participation without stating a reason is possible up to 7 days before the start of the program, in which case we will refund 50% of the paid fee. If the cancellation is later, the fee will not be refunded.
In case of cancellation, participation can be transferred to another person or to another term, if we have available spots; please inform us of this when cancelling by email at:
If a child cannot participate in the program due to health reasons, you can choose another term or request a refund of the entire fee based on a submitted medical certificate.
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