Design at the center: The Value of Jewelry

19. 3. 2025
7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Specialka Café, 1st Floor


Why does its value go beyond the material? Although precious metals and stones affect the price, the true wealth of jewelry often lies in the stories it carries and the memories it evokes. As a heritage, a symbol of belonging, or an artistic expression, jewelry – regardless of the material it's made from – can mean much more than just an ornament.

In this edition of the "Design in the Spotlight" series, we will explore various approaches in contemporary jewelry design – from the innovative use of recycled materials to the refined work with precious stones and the impact of new technologies on production.


  • Peter Dragolič (Peter's Jewellery and Gems)
  • Olga Košica (OfR Jewelry)
  • Mateja Panter and Jožica Curk (Pneumatik Fashion)

Moderated by Katjuša Kranjc.

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