Digital Cameo [15.2.]

15. 2. 2024
4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
FabLab in Lab za nakit, Center Rog
za člane
for guests
Prosta mesta: 4/6


A cameo is a type of jewelry that typically features a relief portrait. Its distinctive characteristic is that the carved motif is raised above the background.

In the workshop at FabLab, we will use a 3D printer to create a slightly different digital cameo. Based on a chosen photograph, we will produce a lithophane, where various thicknesses of translucent material create an image when illuminated from behind. It is a kind of transparent piece that, when viewed against light, reveals the selected motif. The final product will be completed in the jewelry lab, where we will make a pendant and add a chain.

All participants are requested to bring their laptops to the workshop.

Participants should gather in the entrance hall of the Rog Center 5 minutes before the scheduled time.

The workshop will be conducted with a minimum of 5 registrations. In case of cancellation, participants will be notified at least two days before the program begins.

Registration fees for workshops are non-refundable, and it's not possible to change the workshop date. However, participation can be transferred to another person; please inform us at least 24 hours before the workshop begins via email at

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