Vulca - Workshop Community Seminar

Projects 27. 10. 2023
Dogodek_Vulca seminar_2023

Vulca - Workshop Community Seminar from November 23 to 26 at the Center Rog!

Vulca is a non-profit organization that connects makers and creatives from various Fab Labs and makerspaces across Europe on an international level. Every year, the creative gathering of the network takes place at a different location within the member network, and this year's fifth edition will be held at the Center Rog. The seminar aims at exchange, networking, and hands-on activities. Each edition addresses a different theme, and this year, from November 23 to 26, at the Center Rog, we will focus on the theme of Learning Networks.

We will discuss the importance of lifelong learning, collaboration with educational institutions, and the transfer of knowledge through creative communities such as Fab Labs and makerspaces. Additionally, practical workshops for the general public and master workshops for experienced makers will be held during this time.

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Terra Panel

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