Rog Centre production labs taking shape

Announcements 27. 10. 2023
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The plans and hardware lists for the Rog Centre production laboratories, compiled with the help of a project team of 13 experts, are currently being reviewed by 39 stakeholders, including creators, producers, technologists, enthusiasts and mentors of all genders and ages. These stakeholders have contributed their various perspectives, needs and concerns to the project throughout, thereby helping us to fine-tune our plans, both for the production spaces and for the related programmes.

We must admit that creating state-of-the-art production spaces in a listed building is far from easy, as everything has to be adapted to the architecture. At the same time, it is this awareness of the past that makes the former Rog factory building so special. Production of one kind or another has been taking place here almost continuously since 1900, and nearly a century of industrial activity and labour plus the arts, activism, social initiatives and creativity of the post-factory era have combined to create layers of history within the building.

The new Rog Centre will provide 1000 m2 of shared production laboratories, together with a team of specialist technologists to support you in turning your ideas into reality, no matter how ambitious or simple those ideas may be. We can’t wait to get started! And we would also like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed their knowledge and expertise in the planning and testing phases of the new Rog Centre.

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Benedetti Life

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