On the roof of Rog Center, approximately 80,000 bees are now calling it home!

Announcements 16. 5. 2024

On May 20, at the initiative of the Republic of Slovenia, we celebrate World Bee Day. And bees have found their home on the roof of Rog Center too.

In collaboration with the Urban Beekeeping Society, we have set up 2 beehives on the roof of Rog Center, where two bee families now reside. They originated from a swarm that flew to the construction site during the renovation of Rog Center last summer, and we decided to offer them a permanent shelter. Urban beekeeping significantly contributes to greening urban centers, fosters the connection between urban environments and nature, and reinforces awareness of the importance of self-sufficiency, even in urban areas. Due to the biotic diversity and dietary variety in cities, urban bees are generally healthier and longer-lived than their rural counterparts, and their honey is purer due to the absence of pesticides and other agrochemicals.

Renata Zamida, the director of Rog Center, a beekeeping apprentice, and a member of the Urban Beekeeping Society, has taken on the responsibility of caring for the bees. The bees spent the winter at her place before we settled them on our sunny rooftop. We are eagerly looking forward to our first jars of homemade honey.

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