Join the Team of Mentors at the Wood Lab of the Center Rog

Calls and Tenders 26. 6. 2024

We invite mentors to join our team as professional woodworking instructors at the Wood Lab.

At the Center Rog, we offer over 1,000 m² of space that includes nine state-of-the-art production laboratories and workshops. As a mentor in the Wood Lab, you will have the opportunity to work with cutting-edge equipment and advanced technologies, from laser cutters and CNC machines to welding stations. The Center for Creativity is a true haven for innovation and invention!

In the afternoon, you will guide and support our users during open hours, helping them with their creative projects. In the evening, you will have the opportunity to lead training sessions for independent use of machinery or support the execution of various workshops and courses.

Interested in learning more? Read the full call for applications at the links below and apply by August 20, 2024. We look forward to meeting you!

Application Form.

Additional information can be received every working day between 10 AM and 12 AM at the following phone number 01/3205611 or via e-mail:

Photo: Domen Nan

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