Benedetti Life

Benedetti Life – where fashion design meets unwavering ethics. In the heart of Rog Center, fashion products are born from innovative materials such as olive leather, algae-based items, and silk created from sustainable and timeless eucalyptus trees. Our heritage? A focus on hand-embroidering clothing and active involvement of young designers in our creative process. Benedetti Life not only sets ethical standards – it completely transforms them. With our work, we demonstrate that fashion innovation and sustainable responsibility can come together in a unique harmony. In the era of fast fashion, we become a guide to a sustainable and ethical fashion vision. We advocate for clean water, air, soil, and support fair trade, guided by the cruelty-free principle.

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Photo by: Urša Premik

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Benedetti Life

MateaBenedetti_UrsaPremik_14147 s

Benedetti Life – where fashion design meets unwavering ethics. In the heart of Rog Center, fashion products are born from innovative materials such as olive leather, algae-based items, and silk created from sustainable and timeless eucal...