Naomi Clarke
Naomi has been lecturing at Birmingham City University's School of Jewelery since 2020 and is currently teaching on the Jewelery and Allied Products MA. For the past 20 years she has worked in the jewelery and silverware industry in various art and heritage roles. Naomi is a jewelery designer with an MA from Birmingham City University's Jewelery School. She returned to education as a mature student, bringing with her extensive experience as auctioneer and interest in the provenance of historical artifacts. She has developed an interesting - and unique - methodology: she unpacked jewelry boxes and, together with their owners, made visual maps of their contents and the stories associated with them; she designed collections that reflect these stories, but also subtly subvert them; and finally, she used her experience as an auctioneer to cast a shadow of time on these objects and examine how they might be treated in the future, stripped of the personal connections that make them so important to story writers. Naomi's multifaceted research gets to the heart of the complex role that jewelery plays in family, institutional and civic collections. Naomi will hold a masterclass workshop Enamel in jewelry as part of the Slovenian Jewelery Week.
Slovenian Jewelry Week 2024

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Hex Haus

The HEX HAUS project is the result of media artists Anže Sekelj and Staš Vrenek, whose goal is to develop a series of proprietary digital electronic sound systems. In the development, special attention is paid to the balance between the ...