Jeremy Leung
Jeremy Leung holds a MMus in Music Technology from Utrecht University of the Arts. His interdisciplinary portfolio focuses on experience design and tools making, includes recent work on sonic branding for the Kaboom Festival (NL), Curator of Third Place, a YouTube channel promotes Dutch artists with stylized production, maker residency working on urban noise mitigation in Chemnitz (DE), Culture Capital of EU 2025, Addictive Manufacturing Musical Instrument (CuCu) with Numerical Methods exploring parametric instrument design in Matera (IT), and builder of the sonic crystal irido that empowers music partitioners with acoustic tools that are circular, modular, and portable. irido is picked up by AMS Institute for their startup booster program, emerges as Biodesign Challenge finalist, showcased at Schiphol Airport, Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd, De Nijverheid, Mikser Festival 2024 in Serbia, and with its acoustic properties measured at TU Delft. At the residency in Center Rog, Jeremy will develop a collections of lights.

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Ejet 9X

EJET 9X je visokozmogljiv električni čoln, ki uvaja inovativne rešitve električne pogonske tehnike v navtični svet. Cilj podjetja EJET, katerega ustanovitelj je Žiga Jarc, je ustvariti okolju prijazen električni čoln, ki bo prispeval k z...