Flora Lechner
Flora Lechner (Vienna, 1994) is a designer based in the Netherlands. In her work she takes an interdisciplinary approach, combining design, moving images, and sculpture. She likes to see her works conceived as small stages or potential arenas for action, playing with the idea of activation and ghostly stagnancy. She graduated in 2018 from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and in 2020 with a Masters at the Design Academy Eindhoven. Since then she has worked as an independent designer on various projects and takes part in exhibitions around Europe.
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Mateja in Tomaža je povezalo veselje do izdelovanja klasičnih kitar. Začela sta vsak zase, zdaj pa združujeta moči in znanje, da bi skupaj zasnovala in izdelala inštrument z inovativnim sistemom vpenjanja strun in s tem povsem drugačnim ...