Asel Yeszhanova

Asel Yeszhanova is an Almaty based architect and a cultural activist, whose professional journey revolves around active participation in the broader discourse on architecture and urbanism. She is particularly passionate about fostering design engagement among diverse audiences. Growing up at the gateway to the resettled agricultural Tselina (virgin lands), Asel also gained an early insight into Soviet social policy, and this interest in politics has stayed with her throughout her career. She has curated exhibitions and events on themes as diverse as Stalin’s repressions, skate culture, and labour migration. She is a co-founder and a Development Director of Public Foundation Urban Forum Kazakhstan. This organisation was the first to introduce the issues of urbanism and interdisciplinary approach to urban transformation in Kazakhstan. Now that Urban Forum Kazakhstan is growing and working steadily, she devotes more time to studying the traditional crafts of Kazakhstan, experimenting with the local materials and multidisciplinary collaborations. She was included in the Royal Institute of British Architects book 100 Women: Architects In Practice, highlighting 100 exceptional practising women architects contributing to our built environment. Asel has worked across three continents as an architect.

As part of Designers in Residency programme

Asel Yeszhanova_portrait 04_manjse

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Nonstop Food

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Ekipo Nonstop sestavljajo trije študentje živilstva Eva Mustafa, Luka Korošec in Gašper Korat. Ukvarjajo se z izkoriščanjem stranskih surovin, ki ostajajo zavržene v agroživilski industriji, še posebej s stranskim produktom proizvodnje ...