Guided tour of the RogExpo exhibition
14. 12. 2024
Join us for a guided tour of the annual RogExpo exhibition. On display are selected works created during the first year of theCenter Rog's operation in the production labs and through residency programs. This colorful collection of objects includes pieces made by both amateur makers and professional designers. Innovative design works from our project studios and residency program are displayed alongside bold youthful creations developed by the participants of the Young Rog program, as well as beautiful group works that emerged in the relaxed atmosphere of evening circles—ranging from bobbin lace-making to experimenting with biomaterials.
Curators Alja Fir and Anja Radović based their selection on the maker concept of creativity, which can be developed anywhere as part of everyday life and nurtured through practical experience, curiosity, resourcefulness, and collaboration.
Photo: Tine Lisjak
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Terra Panel
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