Pretty Little Bowls
14. 12. 2023

A 3-hour workshop is perfect for those who want to disconnect for a few hours, get their hands dirty with clay, and create new favorite ceramic pieces for themselves or their loved ones. Using the pinch technique, we will craft a set (2 or more) of cute small bowls that can be used for your next tapas evening, storing jewelry, sipping morning matcha or even for your pets.
At the end of the workshop, we will also paint or illustrate the bowls with engobes. The workshop is suitable for both beginners and those already familiar with working with clay. The finished products will be fired and glazed, making them perfectly suitable for everyday household use.
The entire Biskvit team will be present at the workshop, dedicating time to each participant, providing guidance, and helping bring design ideas to life.
The workshop is intended for adults. You can sign up through the form below.
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Projekt HISHKA se ukvarja z izzivi dostopnosti, presežkov, uporabnosti in revitalizacije prehitro preraslih, velikokrat skoraj novih kosov otroških oblačil. HISHKA je krožni trajnostni projekt, sistem in sodobna blagovna znamka otroških ...