Open labs

23. 9. 2024
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Center Rog
Prosta mesta: 4/25


Center Rog has nine production workshops: Food lab, FabLab, Textile lab, Wood lab, Metal lab, Green lab, Ceramics lab, Glass lab and Jewellery lab.

If you would like to see the workshops and find out more about their programme, please join us for a guided tour, which includes a short stop at all nine workshops, and then you can visit the workshop you are interested in separately. In each workshop, the workshop manager will be available to explain and answer your questions.

Gathering is at the scheduled time in the entrance hall. The tour will be held in Slovene language.

Photo: Domen Nan

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Lufta je inovativen in okolju prijazen stol, ki je napihljiv in ga lahko uporabljamo tako v notranjih kot tudi v zunanjih prostorih. Namenjen je vsem, ki v pohištvu iščejo trajnost in odgovornost do okolja. Zaradi svoje lahke in prenoslj...