Making Cups for the Get to Know Your Neighbors Game [4th Meeting]

28. 5. 2025
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Ceramics lab
Prosta mesta: 4/6


Neighbor's Day – Create, Collaborate, and Celebrate with Us

Neighbor's Day is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, start a conversation with the lady you see every week at the library, or the gentleman you stand next to in line at the local bakery.

Since starting a conversation can be difficult without a prompt, for this year’s Neighbor’s Day, we have prepared a fun game where participants will search for pairs of words or phrases printed on ceramic cups.

To make sure we have enough cups for all the players, you are invited to join us at the preparatory meeting in the ceramics lab, where we will create the cups under the guidance of our mentors.

Do you have an idea for words or phrases that should be printed on the cups? Throughout April, we will be collecting word pairs on the board in the lobby of Center Rog. Feel free to add your suggestion!

Meeting Dates (you're welcome to join more than one preparatory meeting):

  • Wednesday, April 23, from 5 PM to 7 PM
  • Wednesday, April 30, from 5 PM to 7 PM
  • Wednesday, May 7, from 5 PM to 7 PM
  • Wednesday, May 28, from 5 PM to 7 PM


On Saturday, June 7, Neighbor's Day will take place all day long in the Park of the Erased. This event connects the residents of the neighborhood, as well as organizations, societies, institutions, and others from the surrounding area, and those who don't live directly in the neighborhood but feel connected. It is meant for relaxed socializing, getting to know each other, and various activities that we will prepare together. On this day, Center Rog will open its doors wide and offer numerous free workshops, tours of the building and labs, sports activities, a community picnic, a things exchange, and much more, running until the evening.

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Ejet 9X


EJET 9X je visokozmogljiv električni čoln, ki uvaja inovativne rešitve električne pogonske tehnike v navtični svet. Cilj podjetja EJET, katerega ustanovitelj je Žiga Jarc, je ustvariti okolju prijazen električni čoln, ki bo prispeval k z...