Guided tour of Production Laboratories
31. 3. 2025

Join us for a guided tour of the nine labs at Center Rog.
Center Rog houses nine production workshops:
- Culinary Lab
- FabLab
- Textile Lab
- Wood Lab
- Metal Lab
- Green Lab
- Ceramics Lab
- Glass Lab
- Jewelry Lab
If you'd like to explore the workshops and learn more about their programs, you can join us every first Monday of the month from 6 to 8 PM for a guided tour. The tour includes a brief stop in each of the nine workshops, and afterward, you can individually visit the workshop that interests you. In each workshop, the workshop manager will be available for explanations and to answer your questions.
In April, the tour will be held by mentors form jewelry lab.
The meeting point is at 6 PM in the lobby of Center Rog.
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Ejet 9X

EJET 9X je visokozmogljiv električni čoln, ki uvaja inovativne rešitve električne pogonske tehnike v navtični svet. Cilj podjetja EJET, katerega ustanovitelj je Žiga Jarc, je ustvariti okolju prijazen električni čoln, ki bo prispeval k z...