Food lab

9. 4. 2024
5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Food lab
za člane
for guests
Prosta mesta: 3/5


The Food Lab is equipped with modern and professional cooking equipment, such as a steam convection oven, double tilt skillet, blast chiller, lyophilizer, induction cooker, deli slicer, meat slicer, refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, kitchen robot, and other tools for culinary experiments. It is intended for businesses and individuals for experimental projects in the field of culinary arts.

During the training, future users will learn:

  • how to handle the equipment and all appliances in the lab correctly and safely, to effectively utilize everything the space offers,
  • identification and management of risks associated with working with food and arising from equipment, materials, personnel, or technological processes,
  • proper work practices, behavior, and hygiene maintenance, which are essential aspects of food handling to ensure safe consumption.

The training lasts for 2 hours and covers the entire cooking lab. It will be conducted by mentors of the cooking lab, Alma Kochavy and Iva Verbnik.

Participants should gather in the entrance hall of the Rog Center 5 minutes before the scheduled time.

The training fee is non-refundable, and rescheduling is not possible. However, you can transfer your participation to another person by informing us at least 24 hours before the start via email

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Studio_Mandrak kitare_slika 1

Mateja in Tomaža je povezalo veselje do izdelovanja klasičnih kitar. Začela sta vsak zase, zdaj pa združujeta moči in znanje, da bi skupaj zasnovala in izdelala inštrument z inovativnim sistemom vpenjanja strun in s tem povsem drugačnim ...