Digital Cameo

14. 12. 2023
4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
FabLab in Lab za nakit, Center Rog


A cameo is a type of jewelry that usually displays a relief portrait. Its distinctive feature is that the carved motif is raised above the background.

In the workshop, we will create a somewhat different digital cameo using a 3D printer in the FabLab. Based on a selected photograph, we will make a lithophane, where various thicknesses of a translucent material create an image when light shines through it. It's a kind of transparent piece that reveals the chosen motif when viewed against the light. We will then complete the product in the jewelry lab, where we will make a pendant and add a chain.

All participants are asked to bring a computer to the workshop.

The workshop is intended for adults. You can register using the form below.

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