Bowl – word; bowl design workshop

22. 8. 2024
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Ceramics lab
za člane
for guests
Prosta mesta: 0/8


In the workshop, participants will familiarize themselves with the manual technique of shaping clay and use rolling to create a bowl. They will inscribe or stamp their favorite thoughts or words onto the bowl and paint it with engobe colors.

First, the clay will be rolled out with a regular roller or a Rohde roller, and the clay sheet will be allowed to dry slightly. The cut-out sheet will then be draped over a styrofoam ball.

The result will be a unique and functional ceramic bowl.

The workshop will be led by mentors Ines Polončič and Anja Radović in the ceramic lab.

Participants should gather in the entrance hall of the Rog Center 5 minutes before the scheduled time.

The workshop will be conducted with a minimum of 5 registrations. In case of cancellation, participants will be notified at least two days before the program begins.

Registration fees are non-refundable, and it's not possible to change the workshop date. However, participation can be transferred to another person; please inform us at least 24 hours before the workshop begins via email at

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Lufta je inovativen in okolju prijazen stol, ki je napihljiv in ga lahko uporabljamo tako v notranjih kot tudi v zunanjih prostorih. Namenjen je vsem, ki v pohištvu iščejo trajnost in odgovornost do okolja. Zaradi svoje lahke in prenoslj...