3D Printing Clay for Beginners

18. 7. 2024
5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Ceramics lab
za člane
for guests
Prosta mesta: 0/10


Clay Can Be Shaped by Hand, Thrown on a Pottery Wheel, or 3D Printed into a Cup

Don’t believe it? Then come to our one-day 3D Printing with Clay workshop, designed for those who want to quickly learn the basics of 3D clay printing. In this 3-hour workshop, we will cover the fundamentals of using the 3D printer, and by the end, each participant will have their own clay item printed, which will later be glazed by the ceramics lab team. We will also discuss clay preparation, loading the printer, and setting up the machine for printing. As this is an introductory, one-day workshop, the 3D model and code will be prepared by the workshop mentors.


NO prior knowledge is required. The workshop is intended for adults who want to get a quick introduction to the technology of 3D clay printing. The workshop also serves as a training session for using the 3D clay printer.

About the Mentors:

The workshop will be led by the Pjorkkala team, who operate one of the studios at Center Rog. Pjorkkala consists of Žan Giradon, Pia Groleger, and Luka Pleskovič. In three years since the founding of their association in 2021, they have established themselves as designers committed to sustainability with an experimental approach. They focus on social and environmental engagement, exploring natural materials and traditional knowledge while integrating contemporary technologies. They specialize in 3D clay printing technology and own a Wasp 2040 printer.


Participants should arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start time in the main lobby of Center Rog. Please store your personal belongings in the lockers before the program starts. Do not be late, as we cannot guarantee entry once the creative process begins.

In case of cancellation, you will be notified no later than two days before the program starts.

Fees are non-refundable for no-shows, and rescheduling is not possible. However, you can transfer your participation to another person by notifying us at least 24 hours before the program starts at the email address: steklokeramika@center-rog.si.

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