We are starting preparations for Neighbor's Day 2025

Featured 19. 3. 2025

We can hardly wait for Saturday, June 7, 2025, when the traditional Neighbor's Day will take place. To make the wait for the celebration of the neighborhood and the broader community of Center Rog easier, we will start preparatory meetings already in April and May. We will ferment kombucha, bake fortune cookies, make wooden toy cars, and design an assembleable dome and playground for the Park of the Forgotten.

To make the event truly diverse and inclusive, we invite you to join us in the preparations. Everyone is welcome – neighbors of all generations, as well as those who don't live nearby but feel connected to Center Rog. Let's organize an unforgettable gathering together, which will be a perfect introduction to summer.

The preparatory meetings will take place in various labs of Center Rog. No prior knowledge is required to participate, just a good mood and a desire to create and collaborate.

Take a look at what we’ll be doing and choose an activity you’d like to join:

Assembleable Dome (FabLab, Textile Lab):

In the FabLab, we will design the structure of the dome. In the textile lab, we will create waterproof canvas, in which we will carve images of vegetation and animals living in our area.

  • Wednesday, April 16, 5 PM – 7 PM (FabLab) – Registration
  • Friday, April 25, 4 PM – 8 PM (Textile Lab) – Registration
  • Friday, May 9, 4 PM – 8 PM (Textile Lab) – Registration
  • Friday, May 16, 4 PM – 8 PM (Textile Lab) – Registration
  • Friday, May 23, 4 PM – 8 PM (Textile Lab) – Registration

Making Cars for the Nerdy Derby Race (FabLab, Wood Lab):

At last year’s Neighbor's Day, the wooden car race was the biggest hit. We have the track, and this year, we’ll start making the wooden cars at the preparatory meetings.

Garden Bed Labels (Jewelry Lab, Green Lab):

At Neighbor’s Day, we will also plant, tidy up, and sow in the garden beds of the Park of the Forgotten in front of Center Rog. To know what we’ve planted where, we will make labels from brass at the preparatory meetings.

Making Cups for the "Meet the Neighbors" Game (Ceramics Lab):

We’ve prepared a fun game where participants will match pairs of words or phrases printed on ceramic cups. To have enough cups for all the players, we will make them in the ceramics lab.

Making Playground Equipment (Metal Lab):

In the area designated for the children's playground, we will create a climbing and active play element. Help us design and make it.

Preparing Kombucha (Green Lab, Culinary Lab):

A refreshing kombucha will be perfect for a hot June Saturday, and you can help us prepare it. Join us in the Green Lab and learn how to brew this tasty and healthy drink.

Baking Fortune Cookies (Food Lab):

In the Food Lab, we’ll bake fortune cookies with lovely wishes, which we’ll hand out for free and enjoy on Neighbor’s Day, June 7.

Baking Bread (Food Lab):

Join us for a preparatory meeting where we’ll bake delicious-smelling and tasty bread. We’ll enjoy the bread at the community picnic on Neighbor’s Day.

If none of these activities appeal to you, feel free to suggest your own! Sign up through the form, select a category, and describe what you’d like to offer your neighbors, and we’ll include it in the program. Please note that you should bring any necessary props with you, all activities are free, and they follow the "drop-in" principle – meaning no prior registration is required, and anyone passing by is welcome to join. Send your suggestions by Friday, May 9! You will be notified of the selection on Thursday, May 15.

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