We are looking for a project manager to manage the community

Calls and Tenders 14. 3. 2024
Center Rog_okt-2023_foto _vid brezočnik_1

Join the Center Rog team.

At the Center Rog, we are looking for a new colleague who is proficient in project management and will take care of various aspects of development and management of our diverse community, with a focus on including migrants, asylum seekers, and other systematically excluded groups, on connecting the institution with neighbors living in the immediate vicinity of Center Rog, creating a safe space for women and the LGBTQA+ community, and managing participatory budgeting and thus involving members of Center Rog in voting and other forms of decision-making.

The inclusion of different audiences or social cohesion is one of the strategic pillars of Center Rog, which we have formulated based on the recommendations of working groups in the areas of participatory budgeting; the inclusion of immigrant communities; and social diversity and gender equality. If you enjoy working with people, are dynamic and proactive, have the necessary work experience in project management and knowledge in community development, and share our values of inclusion, collaboration, creativity, social utility, and accessibility, then you are definitely the right person for our team.

More information about the job is available at the following links:

Applications are accepted until April 8, 2024, at the email address jobs@center-rog.si.

Additional information is available via email: jobs@center-rog.si.

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