We are looking for a coordinator for cultural programs

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We are inviting applications for the position of Coordinator and Organizer of Cultural Programs, who will be responsible for the conceptual organization and implementation of events, exhibitions, residencies, and cultural activities at the Center Rog.
Primarily, the role entails managing the organization and logistics of activities conducted by the Center Rog, including supporting partner organizations. The coordinator will collaborate on the annual development of programs, implementation of new projects, and the preparation of calls for proposals and competitions.
More information about the job is available at the following link:
Applications are accepted until February 25, 2024, via email at jobs@center-rog.si.
For further inquiries, you can contact us on weekdays between 10:00 and 12:00 at the telephone number 01/2516301 or via email at jobs@center-rog.si.
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Projekt HISHKA se ukvarja z izzivi dostopnosti, presežkov, uporabnosti in revitalizacije prehitro preraslih, velikokrat skoraj novih kosov otroških oblačil. HISHKA je krožni trajnostni projekt, sistem in sodobna blagovna znamka otroških ...