Results of the residency open call »Makers in Residency« for the year 2025

The "Makers in Residency" program welcomes all makers, innovators, and creatives eager to work on their projects at Center Rog. As the largest public creative hub in Europe, with nine specialized production labs, Center Rog offers a unique opportunity to create, share knowledge, experiment and expand your network.
This year's »Makers in Residency« open call (open from 25th of November 2024 to 5th of January 2025) offered either a 2-week long residency or a one-month long residency stay. We received 25 applications from 18 different countries, including applicants from the USA, Ethiopia, Iran, India and various European countries. Based on the criteria of the open call, the jury selected 10 candidates who will participate in the residency program in 2025.
The jury selected the following applicants for the two-week residencies:
- Emanuel Faria (Portugal), who wants to develop a cup coaster made of different biomaterials.
- Ferencz Borbála (Hungary), with the project to create conceptual clothing by printing synthetic textile waste.
- Nenad Stojaković (Serbia), who will create a wooden toy in the woodworking lab.
- Elena Falomo (Italy), who will use a digital knitting machine to create a collection inspired by the Ljubljana’s landscape.
The jury selected the following applicants for the one-month residencies, for which also conducting a public program during the stay was required:
- Jeremy Leung (Netherlands), who will develop the 'Staples' light collection.
- Ziggy O'Reilly (Italy), who will create a HoloJelly in our fablab - an interactive jellyfish hologram.
- Yonael Marga Nuru (Ethiopia), who will create a collection inspired by Afrofuturism.
- Veronika Róza Háló (Hungary/Italy), who wants to make new composite materials from waste leaves.
- Justine & Selina Latour (UK and Portugal); the sisters will use different weaving techniques to create a collection called 'wooven loops'.
- Divleena Singh (India), whose inspiration is to create soft sculptures that mimic biological behaviour.
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