Public call for renting a pop-up store in Center Rog

Center Rog is opening a POP UP store, which will be available for rent for a period of one to a maximum of two months.
The POP UP store at Center Rog aims to provide support and promotion to talented Slovenian and diaspora creative individuals and businesses, along with their products. This way, creators operating in the target areas of Center Rog can showcase their products to a larger audience and connect with other creative individuals and businesses.
The store, which has an entrance from Petkovškovo nabrežje, can be rented for a period of one to a maximum of two months upon application to the call.
More information and details for applying to the call, which will be open from January 22 to October 30, 2024, or until all scheduled slots are filled, are available at the following links:
- Pop Up trgovina - Javni poziv Center Rog (POP UP Store - Public Call Center Rog); call text
- POP UP Store - application form
- Pop Up trgovina - vzorec tipske najemne pogodbe (POP UP Store - sample standard lease agreement) (submit a initialed sample upon application)
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