Female Avatars: Virtual and Real Spaces

Projects 27. 10. 2023
Projekti_Avatarke: virtualni in realni prostori_Josič_2020

The ČIPke Initiative, RogLab and Rampa Lab prepared a workshop called Female Avatars – Virtual and Real Spaces under the mentorship of inter-media artist Tank Thunderbird.The participants learned to modulate objects and animation using the open-code program Blender, and acquired knowledge in 3D printing and placing objects into space installations.

Workshop outline

After receiving technical training at RogLab, where the participants attended an introductory class in 3D printer use and in preparing files for printing, they then participated in a five-day workshop on 3D modeling using an open-code program called Blender. The workshop was led by the internationally renowned inter-media artist Tank Thunderbird and took place at RAMPA Lab.

Besides acquiring knowledge in the Blender program’s use, the participants have, together with the mentor, tackled identity- and gender-related issues in both virtual and real physical spaces vis à vis the level of content. The participants created their own avatars and designed an animated video background. Later on, the participants printed a 3D avatar with a 3D printer under the supervision of the technical team at RogLab. After that, in a studio, they took photographs of their avatars and animated backgrounds with the help of photographer Hana Jošić.

The results of the workshop were shown at the final exhibition of the ČIPke Initiative in December 2015.

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