Center Rog is looking for weavers!

Calls and Tenders 20. 2. 2025

If you work in the field of hand weaving, we invite you to apply for a new two-week residency. At Center Rog’s textile lab, we have just acquired hand weaving looms with a working width of 90 cm. To popularize the use of the looms, we are offering 5 two-week long residencies, during which each resident weaver will contribute to a final ten-meter textile. The residencies are part of the RogDesignDays festival 2025, with the theme “Boundaries and Frictions”. We will encourage resident weavers to design their textiles in line with the overarching theme, as the completed textile is expected to be displayed at Center Rog's annual exhibition, RogExpo, in November 2025.

How the project will unfold:

When applying for the residency, please include an idea/sketch/collage of the textile you wish to weave on the hand looms. The textile pattern should aesthetically or thematically relate to this year's RogDesignDays festival theme: "Boundaries and Frictions." The warp thread will be set up on the looms by the textile lab team, and it will remain the same throughout the project. (Take a look at symbolic image of warp settings on the loom. Warp sequence: 20 bright, 20 dark warp threads. Thread count: 4 threads/cm). The first resident will set the tone of the textile, and subsequent residents will decide whether they want to follow the initial aesthetic or continue with their own pattern. The completed textile will clearly reflect the festival theme: where the weavers found harmony and where they drew clear boundaries to continue with their own designs.

Residency dates:
1st term: 14. 04. – 27. 04. 2025
2nd term: 28. 04. – 11. 05. 2025
3rd term: 02. 06. – 15. 06. 2025
4th term: 30. 06. – 13. 07. 2025
5th term: 14. 07. – 27. 07. 2025

Who can apply?
We invite professional weavers and textile designers from Slovenia and abroad who are skilled in hand weaving and can independently operate a hand loom.
Each applicant must have a legal entity for invoicing the fee, which is 500€ gross per resident.
Priority will be given to applicants from organisations offering residency programmes for possible bilateral exchange with Center Rog. We are expected to select two Slovenian and three foreign weavers.

What does the residency offer?

  • mentoring support for using the looms and weaving the textile,
  • weaving materials (yarns, etc.) up to 200 EUR per resident,
  • free two-three week accommodation in one of Center Rog’s residential studios (for weavers who are not from the Central Slovenia region),
  • a fee of 500 EUR (gross) per resident,
  • travel expenses: For distances up to 200 km, Center Rog covers the cost of public transportation (train or bus, 2nd class). For distances over 200 km, Center Rog will cover the cost of public transportation or a flight ticket (economy class),
  • the opportunity to participate in the RogExpo 2025 exhibition.

What do I contribute to the residency?

  • a minimum of 2 meters of unique handwoven fabric,
  • advice and improvements for the use of hand looms, shared with the technical team of the textile lab.

The deadline for applying for the weaver’s residency is March 31, 2025.
All proposals will be reviewed by the appointed jury of Center Rog. Candidates will be notified about their selection by April 7, 2025, at the latest.

How to apply?
Applicants must:

  • Fill out the application form and choose the desired residency dates,
  • submit a portfolio and a motivational letter,
  • include a sketch/idea collage of the textile they want to weave on the hand looms.

Selection criteria:

  • quality and aesthetic impression of the proposed project (0 – 10 points),
  • connection to the theme "Boundaries and Frictions" (0 – 8 points),
  • portfolio (0 – 5 points),
  • motivational letter (0 – 5 points),
  • bilateral exchange potential (0-2 points).

We encourage applicants to think sustainably when choosing materials, opting for more natural fibres. The looms have a working width of 90 cm, and each weaver must contribute a minimum of 2 meters of unique fabric related to the theme of the RogDesignDays festival: "Boundaries and Frictions." No other aesthetic restrictions will be imposed.

For questions, please contact

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Urška Sadar


Designer and architect Urško Sadar is interested in the connection between modern and traditional techniques, exploring unpredictable forms and designing objects with added value. In the project she will be developing at the Rog Centre, ...