Anže Sekelj: Acts of Data

Join us at a presentation of the project Acts of Data and testing of the HEX row, cor and lag instruments. On Wednesday, 13 November 2024 at 18:00 in the photo and video Studio and studio 1 at Center Rog.
In the project Acts of Data, media artist Anže Sekelj investigates the speculative nature of computers generating—via Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)— new potential historical artefacts created through image synthesis of pre-existing publicly available datasets of 3D models. Within this framework, the artist used the dataset provided by the “Scan the World” initiative, a repository that hosts scanned 3D models of historical statues from some of the world’s most prominent museums.
One of the focal points of the exploration within the first two iterations of the project is to investigate the historical context of statues and sculptures, which have often been representative of societal norms, power dynamics, and cultural values. Anže Sekelj is intrigued by the prospect of observing how the algorithm’s creations interact with these contexts and how they might challenge or reinforce prevailing narratives. By generating new forms that may not have existed in reality, Sekelj aims to provoke discussions on alternative histories and perspectives, encouraging viewers to contemplate the biases and assumptions that shape our understanding of art and history.
Simultaneously, Studio 1 will host open doors for testing the HEX row, cor, and lag instruments.
Supporters: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana, and Center Rog.
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Terra Panel

Terra panel je panel za pasivno uravnavanje vlage, ki služi tudi kot ambientalno svetilo. Njegova avtorja sta Bor in Daša, ljubitelja narave in oblikovanja, ki sta tekom svoje oblikovalske prakse ustvarila in se tudi preselila v svojo Ti...