Grashka deli
Grashka develops and produces delicacies from organic and regionally sourced ingredients. On the ground floor of the Rog Center, they are establishing a culinary space Grashka Deli, which offers diverse and innovative plant food processed with natural processes of fermentation, smoking, and dehydration. The delicatessen shelves are richly stocked with fermented legume products, recognizable street formats based on mycelium, smoke-enriched rollers, and other super nutrients, for which they also offer the option of return packaging. In addition to buying ready-made delicacies on the mezzanine, guests can enjoy the bistro’s offer of tasty, nutritious, and quickly served street food every day.
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Terra Panel
Terra panel je panel za pasivno uravnavanje vlage, ki služi tudi kot ambientalno svetilo. Njegova avtorja sta Bor in Daša, ljubitelja narave in oblikovanja, ki sta tekom svoje oblikovalske prakse ustvarila in se tudi preselila v svojo Ti...