Lab Manager:
Brigita Gantar, tel.: +386 (0)1 320 56 14
email copied!
Working schedule
mon-fri 10:00 – 20:00
sat 10:00 – 15:00
sun closed
The ceramics workshop is a creative space that enables you to get to know clay and explore it in various ways. Here you can design a wide range of products from cups for everyday use, plates, and coasters to more sophisticated dishes, vases, and teapots. In addition to handcrafting, working on a pottery spindle, and pouring clay into a mold, the workshop also offers advanced tools such as a 3D printer for ceramics. Modern equipment and machinery open many possibilities for the design and production of series of ceramic products that are more difficult to achieve with traditional methods. The workshop has several different furnaces, also of larger dimensions, which are designed for firing at temperatures up to 1300 °C.
Lab Manager:
Brigita Gantar, tel.: +386 (0)1 320 56 14
email copied!
Working schedule
mon-fri 10:00 – 20:00
sat 10:00 – 15:00
sun closed
Rezervacije potrjuje administrator, zato priporočamo, da rezervacijo opravite vsaj 48 ur pred želenim terminom. Uporabo stroja se boste naučili na licu mesta, zato si rezervirajte dodaten čas za učenje.
MoreTo reserve the tool, it is necessary to sign up
Maksimalna temperatura žganja:
● 1280 ⁰C
● ST310 - 3 segmenti
Velikost plošče:
● ɸ 350 mm
Notranji volumen peči:
● 43 L
Maksimalna temperatura žganja:
● 1280 ⁰C
● B500 - 4 segmenti
Velikost plošče:
● ɸ 350 mm
Notranji volumen peči:
● 45 L
Maksimalna temperatura žganja:
● 1280 ⁰C
● B500 - 4 segmenti
Velikost plošče:
● ɸ 420 mm
Notranji volumen peči:
● 100 L
Maksimalna temperatura žganja:
● 1280 ⁰C
● B500 - 4 segmenti
Velikost plošče:
● 490 x 380 mm
Notranji volumen peči:
● 150 L
Maksimalna temperatura žganja:
● 1280 ⁰C
● B500 - 4 segmenti
Velikost plošče:
● 550 x 360(2) mm
Notranji volumen peči:
● 440 L