User packages
The user package gives you access to nine production labs at the Rog Centre, where you can use the tools and machines you have been trained to use. Mentors are available throughout the reservation for technological support and advice. The price of the package does not include consumables, which are charged according to consumption at each workstation according to the current price list.
Quickie (one-time user package)
- The package can be used within five consecutive days from the day of purchase and is valid on the day of booking your appointment.
- Valid for all production labs.
- Valid for 30 consecutive days from the day of purchase.
- Booking appointments is possible five days in advance during the package's validity period.
- For open slots, you can come every day during the opening hours of Center Rog.
- Valid for all production labs.
All year round
- Valid for 365 days from the day of purchase.
- Booking appointments is possible five days in advance during the package's validity period.
- For open slots, you can come every day during the opening hours of Center Rog.
- Valid for all production labs.
You can purchase the selected package only if you have a valid membership.
Discount for students, people under 25 years, older than 65 years, unemployed and asylum seekers. For more information contact our Made in Rog shop.
In some labs, additional charges for services and supplies after consumption are chargeable. Check the current price list for surcharges HERE.
Types of user packages
Hitri prsti
Petdnevni zakup dela v labih
- Paket lahko izkoristiš v petih dneh od dneva nakupa in velja na dan rezervacije tvojega termina.
- Velja za vse proizvodne labe.
Mesečni zakup dela v labih
- Velja 30 zaporednih dni od dneva nakupa.
- Rezervacija terminov je možna pet dni v naprej v času veljavnosti paketa.
- Na odprte termine lahko ob rezervaciji prihajam vsak dan v odpiralnem času Centra Rog.
- Velja za vse proizvodne labe.
- Preračunano na dnevno uporabo: 2,50 € na dan.
Letni zakup dela v labih
- Velja 365 dni od dneva nakupa.
- Rezervacija terminov je možna pet dni v naprej v času veljavnosti paketa.
- Na odprte termine lahko ob rezervaciji prihajam vsak dan v odpiralnem času Centra Rog.
- Velja za vse proizvodne labe.
- Najbolj ugoden paket! Preračunano na dnevno uporabo: 1 € na dan.
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