The Blue Voyager unmanned aerial vehicle is used for automated sampling of water sources and analysis of samples during flight. Behind the product is the startup Paxia, which consists of students Domen Trontelj, Tilen Šket and Rok Hladin. With the help of high technology, they want to improve the ecological state of our planet. They believe they can help public agencies and non-governmental organizations around the world control the quality of the most important resource we possess as humanity – water. The Rog Centre will develop a series of modular drones for measuring the chemical and physical parameters of water, thus ensuring the optimization of processes in agriculture, environmental protection, and industry.
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Lufta je inovativen in okolju prijazen stol, ki je napihljiv in ga lahko uporabljamo tako v notranjih kot tudi v zunanjih prostorih. Namenjen je vsem, ki v pohištvu iščejo trajnost in odgovornost do okolja. Zaradi svoje lahke in prenoslj...