Hex Haus

The HEX HAUS project is the result of media artists Anže Sekelj and Staš Vrenek, whose goal is to develop a series of proprietary digital electronic sound systems. In the development, special attention is paid to the balance between the complex use of instruments, which enables professional musicians to use advanced functions, and intuitively accessible interfaces, which familiarize the general public with modern electronic music and empower them with electronic sound technologies through workshops. The speakers are distinguished by a unique approach to design, which in the event of a failure gives the user access to electronic components that are easy to replace.

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Terra Panel

Studio_Bor Jarh_slika1

Terra panel je panel za pasivno uravnavanje vlage, ki služi tudi kot ambientalno svetilo. Njegova avtorja sta Bor in Daša, ljubitelja narave in oblikovanja, ki sta tekom svoje oblikovalske prakse ustvarila in se tudi preselila v svojo Ti...