Rutika Jain

As part of the Makers in Residency programme, we are hosting an indian artist and designer Rutika T Jain in Center Rog. In her work, Rutika combines traditional textile techniques with modern living and interior design principles. Many experiences and passion for design led her to also found her own textile brand IKKA Home, through which she offers her customers textile products that exceed the standards of interior design. Rutika Jain will hold a workshop on Indian relief printing which will take place on May 15 and 16.

We are hosting Rutika Jain from 18.4. - 27.5.

Rezidenca_Rutika Jain

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Dead Stock

Studio_David Tavčar_slika1

David Tavčar se kot oblikovalec zaveda svoje odgovornosti. Verjame namreč, da je z dobro načrtovanim oblikovalskim delom mogoče doprinesti k proizvodnim procesom in tudi k procesu proizvodnje surovin. Delo oblikovalca okolju ne sme povzr...