Ivan Iovine
Ivan Iovine is an Italian interaction designer, researcher, and artist based in Frankfurt am Main. His artistic and media practices extend across robotics, machine learning and more-than-human practices. He uses emerging technologies to blend virtual and physical worlds, creating speculative scenarios that highlight challenges and issues of our relationship with technology and nature. He has exhibited his work in various international festivals and museums such as Piksel Festival (NO, Bergen), Dortmunder U (DE, Dortmund) and Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (Hong Kong), CENART (MX - Mexico City), WIP Festival (CY, Nicosia) and CICA Museum (KR, Seoul). He has been invited to participate in design and artistic residencies by companies and institutions such as Arduino (IT, Turin), AIR NÖE (AT, Krems an der Donau), and BEK (NO, Bergen). He has written artistic and scientific publications for conferences like “Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art” (HK, CityU Hong Kong) and “State of Interim Symposium” (DE, HFBK Hamburg), “No-Machines Symposium” (DE, Bauhaus-University Weimar), INFORMATIK2023 (DE, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. & HTW Berlin), “Generative Art Conference” (IT, Biblioteca Vallicelliana) and “Conference on ethics and aesthetics of artificial images” (IT, Università Iuav di Venezia). In addition to his artistic activities, he is the head of the robotics lab at the HfG Offenbach, lecturing on robotics, machine learning and computer vision. During his residency at Center Rog, he will experiment with digital manufacturing technologies and biomaterials such as mycelium to develop sustainable robots. His research will focus on processing techniques for various substrates, the integration of sensors into these materials, and the creation of bio-based robotic skins using bioplastics, creating hybrid robots that seamlessly blend sustainable materials with physical computing technologies.
On residency from 3 to 30 March 2025.

Photo: Jakob Dieckmann
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Mateja in Tomaža je povezalo veselje do izdelovanja klasičnih kitar. Začela sta vsak zase, zdaj pa združujeta moči in znanje, da bi skupaj zasnovala in izdelala inštrument z inovativnim sistemom vpenjanja strun in s tem povsem drugačnim ...