Public Guided Tour of Rog Center
31. 8. 2024

Center Rog encompasses almost 9,000 square meters. If you are not yet familiar with everything that will be happening here, we kindly invite you to join us for a live tour of our workshops, studios, exhibition hall, library, residences, and more. In short, everything located in the Rog Center. Our staff will guide you through the tour, which lasts approximately one hour, sharing insights into the building's history, the Center Rog program, and explaining the various activities that can take place in our spaces. We will be happy to answer all your questions.
Join us on Saturday, February 8, 2024, at 11:00 AM.
The meeting point is at 1:00 PM in the entrance hall.
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Terra Panel

Terra panel je panel za pasivno uravnavanje vlage, ki služi tudi kot ambientalno svetilo. Njegova avtorja sta Bor in Daša, ljubitelja narave in oblikovanja, ki sta tekom svoje oblikovalske prakse ustvarila in se tudi preselila v svojo Ti...