Baking Bread for Neighbor’s Day

6. 6. 2025
5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Food lab
Prosta mesta: 9/12


Neighbor's Day – Create, Collaborate, and Celebrate with Us

Join us for a preparatory meeting where we will bake wonderfully aromatic and tasty bread. We will enjoy the bread at the community picnic during Neighbor's Day. Under the guidance of experienced mentors from the food lab, we will knead, proof, and bake the bread. During the process, they will also share interesting facts and practical tips for baking bread at home.


On Saturday, June 7, Neighbor’s Day will take place all day long in the Park of the Erased. The event brings together residents of the neighborhood, local organizations, associations, institutions, and everyone who feels like a neighbor. It’s an opportunity for relaxed socializing, getting to know each other, and participating in various activities that we will organize together. On this day, Center Rog will open its doors wide and offer numerous free workshops, tours of the building and labs, sports activities, a community picnic, a thing exchange, and much more, all running until the evening.

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Projekt HISHKA se ukvarja z izzivi dostopnosti, presežkov, uporabnosti in revitalizacije prehitro preraslih, velikokrat skoraj novih kosov otroških oblačil. HISHKA je krožni trajnostni projekt, sistem in sodobna blagovna znamka otroških ...