Oloop Experience: Slow Art Time

8. 8. 2024
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Center Rog, main hall
Prosta mesta: 1/7


A free slow-art-looking experience where you will engage in slowed-down observation and creation, a practice that museums and galleries around the world have been offering for years but is still relatively unknown in our region.

How much time do you usually spend in front of a single artwork? Why not try observing it a bit more slowly? Most of us are used to viewing art briefly, in passing. "Slow Art" was created to encourage us to spend more time observing art in hopes that we will not only see more but also gain a deeper understanding of the artworks. Slower exploration can help us create more stories, feelings, and insights about them.

You are invited to an intimate experience of slowly engaging with a selected artwork at the textile art and design exhibition. We will spend some time in silence with a textile piece. You don't need to know the history or the creator of the work; you just need to observe and enjoy it. Calmly and playfully, we will establish a dialogue with the object and build a relationship with it. We will gather associations and get to know our inner images and responses. It may inspire you to draw something, write a story or a poem, or create anything that inspires you.

The event is intended for adults and will be conducted in a small group. Curiosity and good will are the only prerequisites for participation in this meeting. It includes a brief guided relaxation exercise, dialogical contemplation of the work, artistic creation, and in-depth group discussion.

About the mentor:

Jasmina Ferček (Oloop collective) is a textile artist and holds a master's degree in art therapy. Through conversations with women, she explores the significance of their creative experiences with textiles. She has been working in the field of participatory and psychosocially supportive textile art within the Oloop collective for 20 years. She researched the impact of textile creation on women's well-being and health in her master's thesis, and in 2022, she wrote a book on the subject titled "The Power of Textiles." She is a member of the Slovenian Association of Art Therapists (SZUT) and the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT).

The O2OOP exhibition and accompanying events were created in co-production with the Rog Center and the Biennial of Textile Art BIEN (Zavod Carnica) and with financial support from the Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL) and the ACF Program (in Slovenia 2014-2021).

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