Demonstration of turning of the pottery wheel

2. 4. 2025
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Manufaktura Shop, Petkovškovo Embankement


The clay-shaping demonstration will be held under the auspices of Manufaktura, a craft material store. Various creators will be invited to showcase their unique approach to working with clay. Visitors will have the opportunity to observe the creation of both basic and more complex ceramic forms and receive valuable advice from the demonstrators.

Manufaktura will open its doors in May at Center Rog. This specialized store will offer materials and equipment for ceramics, including clay, glazes, tools, and other supplies.

The program titled Celebrating European Artistic Craft Days in Center Rog is created under the umbrella of European Artistic Craft Days 2025 which is organized by the L'Institut pour les Savoir-Faire Français and European Craft Alliance.

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Nonstop Food

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Ekipo Nonstop sestavljajo trije študentje živilstva Eva Mustafa, Luka Korošec in Gašper Korat. Ukvarjajo se z izkoriščanjem stranskih surovin, ki ostajajo zavržene v agroživilski industriji, še posebej s stranskim produktom proizvodnje ...