A table from Euro Pallets

24. 1. 2024
4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Center Rog
za člane
for guests
Prosta mesta: 0/5


At the workshop, we will, in two consecutive sessions, create a coffee table according to a pre-prepared plan, made from a single Euro pallet.

The first session will be on Wednesday, January 24th, and the second on Thursday, January 25th, each time from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

During the workshop, you will become familiar with machinery segments, and participation will be recognized as completed training for the workstation PONK WITH ADVANCED TOOLS!

On the first day, following the provided plan and material, we will disassemble the Euro pallet into individual pieces and transfer measurements from the cutting list to the material. We will proceed with cutting the material, and towards the end of the session, we will start sanding, rounding, shaping, and sanding the edges, corners, and surfaces.

On the second day, we will finish surface treatment. Next, we will drill holes for screws using a cordless drill, and protect the wood surface with a selected coating. Finally, we will assemble the product by screwing the joints.

The workshop is intended for adults with no prior knowledge of wood processing. Through the practical task of creating a simple product, we will cover the basics of wood processing, including planning, clamping on the work surface, sawing, drilling, simple joining techniques - screwing/nailing, shaping wood with planing and sanding, and the basics of surface treatment and wood protection.

It will be led by Jaka Oman, a master's student in industrial design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design with several years of experience in a carpentry workshop.

The assembly of participants is five minutes before the agreed-upon time in the entrance hall of Center Rog.

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Projekt HISHKA se ukvarja z izzivi dostopnosti, presežkov, uporabnosti in revitalizacije prehitro preraslih, velikokrat skoraj novih kosov otroških oblačil. HISHKA je krožni trajnostni projekt, sistem in sodobna blagovna znamka otroških ...