We are looking for external mentors to provide support in the production workshops

Calls and Tenders 27. 10. 2023

The new creative center, Center Rog, is opening its doors this fall, and we are inviting freelance collaborators to help with work in the production workshops.

We are looking for technicians and technologists proficient in areas such as textiles, wood, metal, ceramics, glass, new technologies, electronics, green technology, or culinary arts, and who are enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge. More information about the profiles we are seeking for occasional freelance work and all the details you need for the application can be found in the document below:

Poziv za mentorje in mentorice v Centru Rog (Call for Mentors in Center Rog)

Apply using the online form below, also available at this link, until August 10, 2023.

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