We are looking for a head maintenance technician
Calls and Tenders
5. 2. 2024
Join our team!
Center Rog sprawls over 9,000 m2 and urgently needs someone to take care of workshops, other spaces, the park, and the surroundings. Candidates can apply for the position of head maintenance technician until March 15, 2024. More information about what we expect and the application requirements can be found at the link below. You're invited!
- Javna objava za prosto delovno mesto glavni vzdrževalec_ka (Public announcement for the vacant position of head maintenance technician)
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Pohištvo Paličnjak temelji na ideji igrivega soustvarjanja - s pomočjo spletnega konfiguratorja uporabniki izbirajo modularne elemente in tako oblikujejo edinstvene kose pohištva. Sistem temelji na standardiziranih palicah in ploščah izd...