Startup.Design 2.0
Startup.Design was a series of 4 lectures and workshops for all creative individuals who are considering a unique route and developing a new product/service that will change the world. The programme practically and concisely presented the entire process, from the development of the idea to entry into the market, as well as showed participants how to approach possible investors. At the workshops we discussed good practices, discovered which basic tools are appropriate for startups and gained an insight into the process of developing a business idea.
- Greetings world! (March 25th, 2013)
How to start? What is a startup? What are the main trends? What is a business model and how do you come up with one? The main issues that demand answers were presented already at the first, introductory workshop. Participants got acquainted with the basic terminology as well as an overview on how the business idea is developed and first tested on the market.
Key words and content: startup, business model, social-local-mobile, business model canvas, lean startup, customer development, shared value.
- What is your story? (April 15th, 2013)
Tell me your story and I will tell you who you are. The story behind the product, service or trademark is becoming increasingly important, especially in the “overcrowded” industries. A good story can present a key competitive advantage. At the workshop, participants considered their story and designed an appropriate trademark. In the practical part of the workshop, we focused on preparing our first marketing material, i.e. the pitch.
Key words: storytelling, personas, value proposition canvas, brand development, pitch.
- Slim and attractive for the first date with the market (April 22nd, 2013)
Even though one swallow does not a summer make, “lean startup” and “MVP” are the talk of the summer. What does this mean and how can it help you? Save time and money and enter the market with the smallest scope of the product/service, with which you can then address the first potential users and gain important information for its further development.
Key words: lean startup, minimum viable product (mvp), validated learning, build-measure-learn loop, four steps to epiphany.
- Into the brave new world (May 13th, 2013)
The final workshop was aimed at learning about the various possibilities for growth and raising funds for future development – from the use of “crowdfunding” solutions such as to entering incubator programmes to addressing potential investors. Through a discussion with the guests, we learned about the concrete possibilities for future development, and the invited guests revealed what the potential investors want to see before they sign a check for One Milion EUR.
Key words: bootstrapping, startup incubator, crowdfunding, Kickstarter, venture capital (VC).
The programme was headed by Gregor Žavcer and carried out in cooperation with the Regional Center of Creative Economy, which operates within the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region, and the Hekovnik startup school.
The programme is co-financed by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and implemented through the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials 2007–13.
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