RogLab is presenting its new programme GraFEM

Projects 27. 10. 2023
Projekti_Grafem_Nez Pez_avtor_2020

In September 2020, RogLab is launching GraFEM, a new programme to promote women's graffiti and street art culture. The first artist to be presented as part of the programme is Slovenian artist Nez Pez.

GraFEM will regularly host women from Slovenia and abroad who will cover the entire RogLab building with their graffiti or street art. Additionally, GraFEM will hold educational workshops, discussions and graffiti tours, which will hopefully foster reflection on the role of women in the graffiti and street art scene, both in Slovenia and beyond.

Read more about GraFEM.

Nez Pez will be covering the entire RogLab building with her street art between September 21 and October 1, 2020. This years edition of GraFEM will be complemented by a Graffiti and street art tour of Ljubljana with the artist (Saturday, September 26) and a Graffiti workshop for women with the artist (Friday, October 2).

Read more about the artist and events programme.

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